The World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC) was inaugurated in 2014 by “the father of open innovation” Henry Chesbrough who organized the conference from the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation at the University of California, Berkeley. This year, the organization of WOIC moved to the Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship & Marketing (ITEM) group at Eindhoven University of Technology, supported by a large group of volunteers who share a passion for open innovation and who are eager to create value for the wider community in this domain.

Ever since it was started in 2014, the WOIC grew into an established conference, which is known for focus on bringing theory and practice closer together. This is visible in the conference through the mix of keynote speakers and how we seek to combine the latest in academic research on open innovation with challenges faced by industry executives and policymakers who manage open innovation in their organizations. This will indeed be a defining feature of what we do while we are also expanding in other domains.

Given that the WOIC is more than a conference, we see ourselves more as a community, and we are therefore turning our new website into a platform for the World Open Innovation Community — not coincidentally also with WOIC as acronym. We want WOIC, both the community and the conference, the place for open innovation researchers and practitioners to meet and connect. Our website will therefore not only feature information about the upcoming conference but also about other new initiatives and activities. We are now also active at various social media channels where you are welcome to follow us and hopefully engage with us and the rest of the community:
